Wednesday, June 24, 2020

New Beginnings on the Horizon

I have known for years that my journey was going to reach a point of significant change.  I found myself in the throws of labor; that place where you think it might be too much to survive, anticipating with hope that gift that will make it all worth it.  Today, I find myself holding a gift that I did not anticipate, starting over, alone.  To be honest, I am still grieving the dream I have chosen to stop clenching.  The uncertainty ahead can feel overwhelming at times.  I have learned to reach for encouragement and support from my most trusted places and not to seek direction from those who are not truly invested in my life.  My sweet friend posted a quote from the Grace Encounter that I have held close to my heart these many weeks... "The thing is ... the human brain is extremely evolved for connection and relationship - you were never supposed to learn to be alone with pain and stress.  Needing emotional safety and support isn't something wrong with you - It's the sign of something deeply RIGHT with you."  So I invite you to join with me on this journey and reach for a place that is safe, a place of support, to allow yourself to dream again.  

That is where I find myself today - DREAMING!! I have allowed myself to remember what stirred my heart long ago and how my growing, healthier self would allow that dream to take flight.   I am starting fresh and making room for myself to thrive.  And in this raw and bumpy process, I am finding the space to be a better me all the way around.  That means I am showing up in a way I am more at peace with as a mom, a friend, an entrepreneur.   Some days that means being honest about the sad or the fear.  It means I keep my deeply held truth in front of me when I can't see the path.  It means finding joy and blessing in the little moments that fill up my days.   

I love serving the people in my life!!!  I love adventure and spontaneity!!!  I love food, and cooking, decorating and creating beauty!!! And I love, order, structure, and a clean house and car.  That might sound like the picture of conflicting desires.  But in reality, I have come to find that the more organized and at peace I am, the easier it is to jump on a spontaneous adventure and relish in it!  Embracing this new adventure has meant all kinds of reorganization.  It has been interesting to hear the Minis talk about how much they like it.  The simplifying, the freshness, how easy it is to find their toys, the extra space to breath and allow their own dreams to soar.  That is so important for me to impart to them, the courage to allow their own dreams to soar.  So although we don't know the full shape of the adventure ahead of us, we are spending our days getting ready.  

The Minis and I are seeking what is on the horizon; preparing for the adventure we know is building. Over the next few weeks I want to share with you some of what has been making our life more organized and at peace. Organizing the house. Pairing down.  Meal planning. Budgeting.  Creating a place where we are less weighed down. A place where our hearts can soar.  A place where we are ready to jump in our Beast of a van and take you on the road with us!  Get ready!  We are!  We are Mollie and The Minis.  

Look for the easy ways we have reorganized our home next.  Spoiler alert, even the minis love it.  

COMMENT:  Share with me what you would really dream for your life if you were not afraid to let your dreams soar. 

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